Web page formatNOTE: Don't worry about creating a web page, Dr. Mentor will take care of the details. Your goal is to create a document, in Word or .rtf, that can be used to create our web page. Please follow the suggested format below. Don't use any tabs, spaces, font sizes, bold, or italics. Spaces between lines are allowed but don't use the space key to tab over from the margin. Just follow the format below - more formatting will be added later. By following a similar format the eventual site will be more organized and it is easier to get everything online. ************************************************* PAGE TITLE Introduction - perhaps a quote that can be used as a heading. Remember to use proper citations. Body - 5-6 paragraphs that describe the issues raised in your web presentation. Use citations and write in a style similar to a term paper. Topic 1 (provide a title) - brief description of topic 1 issues (one short paragraph) - one short sentence describing web link 1 - web link 1- http:www.xxxxxx.xxx (Give a name and a url. Url's are sometimes very long. They will not be included in the final document but will be needed to create the web page.) - short sentence describing web link 2 - web link 2- http:www.xxxxxx.xxx - short description of web link 3 - web link 3- http:www.xxxxxx.xxx - etc Topic 2 - brief description of topic 2 issues (one short paragraph) - one short sentence describing web link 1 - web link 1- http:www.xxxxxx.xxx - short description of web link 2 - web link 2- http:www.xxxxxx.xxx - short description of web link 3 -etc Topic 3 - brief description of topic 3 issues (one short paragraph) -continue with links, descriptions, etc, for all remaining topics Conclusion may be added if you like Reference list should be included for citations included in the introduction and body. ************************************************* You are the editor of your site. Don't through in "everything but the kitchen sink." Think along perm paper terms. If you were to write a term paper on the subject, what topics would you want to address? When selecting links for you site be sure to choose informative sites, full text is fine, court cases are also acceptable (you may want to create a "relevant cases" section on you page). Please stay away from sites that are trying to sell something. Be critical of sites and don't include things that are heavily opinionated. This is a scholarly site. When creating your page, ask yourself whether someone, after looking through your site and reviewing a few of the links, would gain a deeper understanding of the topic. Don't think you have to teach the visitor anything, just provide information that would help the curious visitor learn. We are "leading horses to water" - some of them will drink. Make a page for those who will take the time to learn something about the topics included in you site.