Justice in the Media - Module 5

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Module 5: Media as Cause and Cure of Crime

Module Dates

August 3 - 8

Required Reading

Surette  -  Chapters 5-7

Video Assignment

Button TBA

Other Assignments

Button Journal 5 - Due August 6
Button Check WebCT for other due dates.

General Links

Please do not treat this as an exhaustive list. Several of these searches are examples and/or starting points. Do your own searches for relevant information. If you find a good site, be sure to include the URL in your journal.

Button MetaCrawler Query
MetaCrawler Search for "moral panics." This is a good example of the results of a search with this engine. You may want to use MetaCrawler to find information on other articles or topics in this and other modules.
Button Choosing search engines

Search strategy advice.

Other Suggested Links

Button http://www.mediascope.org/index.htm
Mediascope is a national, nonprofit public policy organization founded in 1992 to promote constructive depictions of health and social issues in the media, particularly as they relate to children and adolescents. A principal objective of the organization is to encourage accurate and responsible portrayals -- in film, television, the Internet, video games and music -- without compromising creative freedom.
Button http://www.focusonjustice.org/about/about_main.html
FOCUS ON JUSTICE: Bringing Human Rights Advocacy Into the 21st Century.
Button http://cii2.cochran.com/mnet/eng/med/home/medlit/medlit.htm
In this section you will find ideas to stimulate family discussions on media, and information to help your children understand the differences that exist between the values in media entertainment and real life values.

Copyright 2003

Kenneth Mentor

Page revised July, 2003