Justice in the Media - Module 3

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Module 3: Media Impact

Module Dates

July 20 - 26

Required Reading

Potter and Kappeler - Part Three

Video Assignment

Button Fear and Favor in the Newsroom 
Button Myth of the Liberal Media

Other Assignments

Button Journal 3 - Due July 23
Button Check WebCT for other due dates.

General Links

Please do not treat this as an exhaustive list. Several of these searches are examples and/or starting points. Do your own searches for relevant information. If you find a good site, be sure to include the URL in your journal.

Button MetaCrawler Query
MetaCrawler Search for "moral panics." This is a good example of the results of a search with this engine. You may want to use MetaCrawler to find information on other articles or topics in this and other modules.
Button Choosing search engines
Search strategy advice.

Other Suggested Links



This site provides statistics and information regarding children who are abducted by their parents. It is a good site for pulling stats about abductions.  There is also support offered to parents of missing children.


This site provides several articles relating to juvenile crime and certain media perceptions that are not always accurate.


This site provides a biased view on why crimes are committed and what society can do to stop crime.
Button Media Criticism
Extensive list of links. Many examples of marijuana in the media.
Button National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
Information on abductions. Also includes information on parent abduction.
Button The Social Construction of Crime in Canadian Aboriginal Societies

Interesting article about social construction and resulting policies.

Button Deviance and Crime: Social Constructions and Social Realities
Three brief essays. Primary focus on social construction of crime in Brazil and Mexico.

Copyright 2003

Kenneth Mentor

Page revised July, 2003