CJ 521 - Essay #3

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Law and Social Control - Essay #3

Due October 28


Review Galanter, Taub and Schneider, Heinz and Laumann, Kennedy, and Erlanger for ideas about how law leads to inequality. Look at the readings as a whole, as opposed to focusing one one part of one article. Identify key themes and look for internet content that will help you gain a deeper perspective on the issues raised by these readings.

Remember to reference these readings and applicable internet or other content in your response to the following question.

The question:

How does law, and the structure of the justice system, replicate hierarchy? In what ways is this process hidden? In what ways are we (the general population) coerced into believing that law is "neutral."


As a reminder, here are instructions from the course outline:

Essays should have sufficient breadth and depth to indicate more than a passing awareness of the issues raised in the questions. Grading will be determined based on the thoroughness of response and the ability to properly apply knowledge gained through reading the text. Essays should be "term paper quality." Pay attention to spelling, sentence and paragraph structure, organization, and citations. Your papers should use APA style , which is described in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th edition, 2001).

Questions typically contain multiple parts. This is not done to make questions more difficult. Multiple parts are recommended to provide guidance that will lead to a high quality answer. Remember to address each section but do not assume that the ideas raised in each section are the only issues to be addressed in your response.

Completed essays should be e-mailed to mentor@nmsu.edu. Although I have several e-mail addresses, this is the only one you should use for this class. My computer can only read certain formats. Fortunately, these are popular formats and you should be able to submit assignments without any problems. If you are using Microsoft Word, just save as word and send. If you are using any other program please save as .rtf before sending. Don't put anything after the dot - let the computer take care of this. For example, "exam1.joe" will not open on my computer. Use "exam1_joe" instead and let the computer add the .doc or .rtf after your file name. Send papers as attachments. Use the body of the message to tell me what you are sending so I will know that you are sending an intended attachment rather than a virus or other malicious attachment.

Copyright 2003

Kenneth Mentor

Page revised July, 2003