CJ 521 - Calendar

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Law and Social Control - Course Calendar

Tentative Calendar - Fall 2003

The calendar below describes reading requirements for each week. Module links, assignments, and due dates, are listed for each week. Due dates are strictly observed and points are lost for late assignments. 

Week 1 - August 17-23

  • TEXT -Purchase text and get acquainted with course requirements and each other.
  • JOURNAL - Set up your blog. There are many options for free blogs. I have used easyjournal and blogger and know they will work well for our purposes. Instructions are found on the Journals page.
  • FORUM - Sign up for your message board account at http://cjstudents.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard.cgi. The entire forum is available to you but for this class we will be using the "Law and Social Control" category for all messages. Once this is completed, send a message to the class to introduce yourself.
  • E-MAIL -Using the e-mail program you will use throughout this class, send a message to Dr. Mentor at mentor@nmsu.edu. Use this message to offer suggestions for web site topics. Click the Web Pages link for more information.
  • Read Harrison Bergeron for class discussion

Week 2 - August 24-30

Week 3 - August 31-September 6

Week 4 - September 7-13

Week 5 - September 14-20

Week 6 - September 21-27

  • Continue Module 2
  • Class - September 23

Week 7 - September 28-October 4

Week 8 - October 5-11

Week 9 - October 12-18

  • Continue Module 3
  • NO CLASS - October 14

Week 10 - October 19-25

Week 11 - October 26-November 1

Week 12 - November 2-8

  • Continue Module 4
  • NO CLASS - November 4

Week 13 - November 9-15

Week 14 - November 16-22

Week 15 - November 23-29

  • Web sites due November 29
  • Continue Module 5
  • NO CLASS - November 25

Week 16 - November 30-December 6

Week 17 - December 7-13

No assignments accepted after 4 pm - December 9



Copyright 2003

Kenneth Mentor

Page revised July, 2003