Kenneth W. Mentor, J.D., Ph.D.
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In addition to organizing my materials, this page helps those who are less familiar with web-based scholarship, and the work of Ernest Boyer, gain a clearer understanding of what we mean when we define work as "scholarship." Following are a few quick links. These links are followed by a discussion of scholarship. This page ends with descriptions and examples of my efforts to engage in web-based scholarship.

Online Content

Shared learning objects:



Corrections Education
Legal Services Corporation

Web Sites:

Course Materials:

What is Scholarship?

Soderberg (1985) described the prevalent myth among faculty that research is more important work than teaching, writing that:

"We get released from the dulling binds of merely teaching in order that we may marshal our higher resources for the hallowed halls of research.... Carried to its logical extreme, this system of rewards in the university conditions professors to behave as if they believe that the discovery of new knowledge, no matter how trivial, is preferable to the effective disseminating of knowledge, no matter how important." (p. 170)

Some would argue that Soderberg's quote is an accurate representation of the potential for an unproductive focus on "research." It may also be argued that this extreme is not appropriate for any institution of higher learning, regardless of the population served. However, criminal justice is a unique discipline, serving a unique population, with many opportunities to change lives through effective efforts to focus on teaching and service.

An examination of faculty roles and rewards often focus on the trinity of research, teaching, and service. As we know, tenure processes often reward faculty based on a very different model - research, research, and research. Lip service is given to the suggestion that research, teaching, and service are overlapping activities and that it is important to "integrate" these activities. While integration of these activities seems possible, the end result often demonstrates that research and teaching are mutually exclusive (Fairweather, 1993). In effect, teaching and service are only valid if a peer reviewed publication is the end result. Note the language used - the "end" result. Once published, must the activity be abandoned or altered in ways that lead to more publication?

"Scholarship Revisited," by Ernest Boyer (1990), has served as a guide in the effort to examine, and demonstrate, the potential of web-based scholarship. This examination has taken place on campuses throughout the United States. This examination has also been very personal to me as I strive to fulfill a faculty role that is rewarding, innovative, and of value to the community (however defined). Boyer encouraged academics to consider a range of activities in their definitions of scholarship. Boyer’s classification of scholarship includes four overlapping activities:

  • discovery - creating and sharing knowledge;
  • integration - providing meaning by placing knowledge in context;
  • application - actively engaging with society, and;
  • teaching and learning - helping others gain understanding.

These categories have been adopted as a framework for this research. The following represents a general idea of how these categories are used to organize a range of overlapping activities - each of which is an example of scholarship.


  • Publication of working papers
  • Publication of completed papers in which copyright allows online publication
  • Data collection through online surveys or other processes


  • Praxis
  • Examples of policies that “work”
  • Data regarding impacts and consequences of policy choices
  • Demonstrating connections between disciplines


  • Research assistance
  • Expand teaching and learning beyond academic borders
  • Freely offering learning opportunities
  • Collaboration with others

Teaching and Learning

  • Course outlines
  • Collections of essays that serve as replacements for supplementary (and expensive) course materials
  • Online activities that may be freely adopted by others
  • Collaborative teaching

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

June 2006 - Kenneth Mentor

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